Biology Quiz News Science Biology

examples biology quiz for students

Agglutinin :a substances that is capable of causing agglutination of antigen.
Acromegaly :a disease marked by enlargement of the bone of head, hand and face.
Actin : a protein that composes muscle tissue.
Allergen : the antigen component which causes allergic reaction and generates IgE formation.
Amphyxis :the process of embryo formation from the fuse of ovum and spermatozoid.
Antibody :The protein serum that is formed as a response to immunization.
Antigen : a substance produced by foreign matter, such as microbe, bacteria, and virus, which will bind specifically with antibody.
Artery : blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
Acetabulum :a site on which femur attaches.
Autoimmunity immune system response against tissues or organs as if they where foreign 
Ventricle heart chamber which pumps the blood from heart to artery. 
Bronchitis :bronchi inflammation.
Dendrite :short nerve fibers which branch off from a neuron which has function to conduct impulse from outside to neural cell body.
Diabetes Icipidus : excretion system disorder signed by the increasing of excreted urine volume.
Diapragm: tissue that separates thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity; a pregnancy control apparatus with bowl shape and made of rubber.
Econutrition: food material which contains prebiotic and probiotic.
Expiration: the process of exhalling air.
Exteroreceptor:Part of skin that receive stimuli from outside, such as touch, pressure and temperature.

Endometrium:uterus walls
Endoskeleton: skeleton located in the body and covered by flash and skin.
Epiphysis:end of bone
Epiglottis:flap of oesophagus end
Erythroprotein: hormone that has function to accelerate red blood cell maturation

Erythrocyte:the red blood cell.
Facilitated Diffusion: the diffusion process or the transfer of molecules by the help of protein carrier
Phagocytosis: the engulfing process of cell or particle that comes from outside.
Fertilization: the fuse of male gamete and female gamed from different individual.
Fontanelle: an opening between cartilage plates.
Fovea: a small pit in eye retina that is responsible for sharp vision.
Ganglion: a collection of nerve body cell on the outside or inside the central nervous system; nerve node.
Peristaltic motion: a wavy motion in oesophagus and intestine which is generated by contraction and relaxation motion alternately.
Glomerulus: a tuft of blood vessel in Bowman capsule which has the function in the process of urine filtration and formation.

Hemophilia: a disease caused by coagulating factor (AGH) deficiency that makes the blood has difficulty to coagulate.
Hemolymph: a fluid consisted of blood and body fruid mix that flows into body cavity.
Hippocampus: part of limbic system that functions as a memory strorage.
Hemeostatis: a balance condition within cell or tissues.
Hormone: a chemical substance produced by certain cell or organ which controls the regulation of certain organ activities specifically.
Passive immunization: antibody injection to an individual which does not have immunity to certain antigen.
Ingestion: the process of swallowing food.
Inspiration:the process of inhaling air.
Involunteer: act unconsciously.
Adipose tissue: the lipid tissue that functions as food storage
Meristem tissue: The tissue which is within the plan growth point and actively divided.
Oval window: membrane between auditory bone(stapes) and inner ear.
Canalicule: a smooth canal that is connected to Haversian System.
Canicus: canine, which function to tear off the food.
Karyote: the nucleus membrane.
Cataract: a clouding of eye lens with transparent membrane around in that prevents the light to enter.
Houston valve: a muscular in rectum that prevents feces from urging toward the anus.
Lieberkuhn gland: the gland producing intestine juice.
Saliva gland: the gland producing saliva and mucus to help food digestion.
Chlorenchyme: the parenchyma tissues containing chloroplast.
Cochlea: the circular bone canal with cone shape.
Cholecystokinin: the hormone that influences bile secretion.
Chondrocyte: the cartilage cell.
Constipation: a condition of having difficulty to pass the feces.
Contraction: muscle tightening
Choroid: a membrane of an eye containing a lot of blood vessels.
Crista: the folds of inner membrane of mitochondira.
Kwashiokor: a disease caused by protein deficiency in the body.
Lactase: an enzyme which has function to break down lactose into glucoses and galactose.
Lactation: the process of forming milk.
Lacunae: a cavity between bone lamella which contains osteocyte.
Hypertonic Solution: a solution which high osmotic pressure.
Hypotonoc solution: a solution with low osmotic pressure.

Isotonic solution: a solution with the same osmotic pressure.

Laticifer: a cell with vacuole that functions as latex storage.
Loop of Henle: a contortus tubule circle that is down into kidney and surrounded by capillary bed.
Lignification: the process of cellulose wall thickening in plant cell.
Medulla oblongata: part of brain stem connected to the vertebrae nerve which is important to control heart beats, blood pressure, and respiration.
Tympani membrane: a membrane receiving sound wave and sited between inner ear and outer ear.
Meninges: a protection membrane in central nervous system consisted of dura meter, pia meter, and arachnoid.
Menstruation: the shedding process of uterus wall and unfertilized ovum.
Apical meristem: the tissue found in the tip of stem and root.
Metagenesis: an alternation of generation across reproductive cycle in which vegetative and generative reproduction accurs alternately.
MHC:a molecule that recognize or gives sign to antigen before it is destroyed.
Myelin: a collection of Schwann cells that attach to axon.
Nephridiopore: an excretion opening in eart worm which functions as anus in human.
Nephron: the smallest unit of kidney which consists of Malphigian body and convoluted tubules.
Neurite:axon, neuron fibers that transmit stimuli impulse from body cell to ouside the cell.
Motor neuron: a neuron that conducts impulse from sensory organ to central nervous system or neuron.
Neurotransmitter: a type of hormone which is produced by neuron and function to transmit electric impulse from neuron.
Operculum:  a gill cover in bony fish (Osteichthyes)
Opsinization: coating bacteria with antibody to make phagocytosis process easier.
Chondral Ossification: the process of bone formation from cartilage
Ossification: the bone formation process.
Osteoblast: bone stem cell.
Osteoporosis: the process of bone degradation caused by calcium deficiency.
Osteocyte: the cell forming bone tissue.
Sphincter muscle: the muscle that encircles urinary bladder tube and has function to regulate urine excretion.
Ovarium: functions as a site for egg cell formation.
Ovulation: the process of egg cell maturation.
Pleura: a membrane that covers the lungs
Probiotic: a substance produced by microorganism to assist digestive process.
Protease: the enzyme that has function to break down protein into amino acid.

Protoplasm: a thick fluid inside the cell.
Air sacs: the part of bird respiratory organs that has function to store pure oxygen and to lighten the body while flying.
Axial Skeleton: a skeleton in the main axis of a body.
Heavy chain: the largest chain in immunoglobulin molecule or antibody.
Relaxation: the muscle loosening.
Antigen Receptor: the receptor of specific antigen in B or T lymphocyte.
Rumen: the part of ruminantia stomach where food is decomposed by anaerob bacteria.
Ruminantia: the grazing mammals.
Sarcolemma: the membrane of muscle cell.
Eukaryotic cell: the cell that has nucleus membrane
Leydig cell: the cell secreting hormone that is located between seminiferous tubules.
Companion Cell: a cell that accompanies phloem.
Prokaryotic Cell: the cell without nucleus membrane.
Schwann cell: a cell that forms lipid membrane in all myelin nerve fibers.
T cell helper: the part of T cell that gives signal to B cell to make antibody.
T cell cytotoxic: a poisonous cell that paralyzes the target antigen by recognizing the antigen molecule of MHC class I
Septum: a heart partition that divides the heart into right and left sides
Atrium: the part of heart that receives blood from vein.

Cerebellum: an organ sited in posterior of medulla oblongata and pons.
Serum: the part of blood plasma which does not contain fibrinogen.
Synarthrosis: a type of joint that makes all movement impossible.
Haversian System: a cavity within bone containing nerve and blood vessels.
Cardiovascular system: a circulatory system involving heart, blood vessel, and blood as the main components of the system.
Sclereid: a stone cell, the cell that is rigid and stiff.
Sphygmomanometer: a device to measure blood pressure.
Stomata: a small pore or leaft pore formed by two guard cell which are derived from epidermis cell.
Stratum corneum: the outer layer of epidermis consisting mainly of peeling cells.
Stroma: the rich enzyme solution that is important to synthesize carbohydrate in plant.
Systolic pressure: a blood pressure when the heart contracts (inflates) caused by the blood which is pushed into artery.
Endoscopy technique: a technique using endoscopy tube to observe smooth canal or vessel within body.
Tendon: a tissue that connects muscle and bone.
Testes: male sex organ that functions in producing sperm and testosterone.
Tonoplast: vacuole membrane in plant cell.
Transfusion: the transfer of blood from donor to recipient.
Transplantation: the process of transplanting tissue or organ.
Thrombin: the enzyme that converts fibrinogen into fibrin.
Vaccination: the vaccine injected to the body to form body immunity system against pathogen.
Villus: a tiny, finger-like projection inside the intestine.
Villus: a tiny, finger-like projection inside the intestine.
Xylem: the vascular tissue that important to conduct water and mineral from roots to leaves.

2 Komentar untuk "Biology Quiz News Science Biology"

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  2. CFSE Cell Proliferation Assay is based on the amine-reactive dye CFSE and is widely used for cell proliferation and in vivo cell tracking.


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