Internal Factors That Influence Growth development Human, Plant And Animal

Factor that influence Grow and Development

Growth and development are influenced by internal factors or external factors. 

1. Internal Factors
Internal factors are factors that come from inside of the body of the organisms theirself. Factors which included into internal factors are as follows. 

a. Gene Gen 
Gene is property that doesn’t appear from outside. The gene is formed of some nucleate acid that is composed in macromolecule called DNA. The gene has function as carrier of genetic factors, so the pmperty owned by its parent will be derived to its descendant.

b. hormone
Hormones that are involved in the process of growth and development among others are. 

1) Growth Hormone
Growth hormone is hormone that race growth. In plant such as auxin that race growth of sprout. In human, such as hypophysis gland that race the growth of bones and muscles. 

2) The Hormone of Growth inhibitor
The hormone of growth inhibitor is a hormone which functions to stop the activity of growth and development. A condition in which there is no activity of growth and development is called dormant.

3) The Hormone of Body Organs Former 
The hormone of body organs former is a hormone that has function to stimulate the formation of body organs. In plant, for example Rhizokalin hormone has function to stimulate root formation.

4) Injury Hormone
Injury hormone is a hormone that stimulates formation of new tissue from the edge part of injury which then will cover that injury part. In plant, for example traumaltn will cover kalus tissue that will cover the lnjury.

Source Biologi Senior High School

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