2013 Eye Disorders And Hearing Disorders

Disoders in human regulatory system The disorders in regulatory system may accur in nerve, gland, or sense. The followings are some disorders in regulatory system of nerve and sense.

Nervous system disorders
The disease affecting nerves can be caused by bacterical and viral infection. Bacteria can cause syphilis and meningitis (meningitis inflammation). Virus can cause encephalitis (brain inflamantion) and poliomyelitis (paralysis during childhood).

The injury in brain, spinal cord, or nerves can be damaging. A hard stroke to the head can cause brain damage which can be followed by death. Various paralysis levels may be caused by spinal cord injury.

The injury in brain, spinal cord, or nerves can be damaging. A hard stroke to the head can cause brain damage which can be followed by death. Various paralysis levels may be caused by spinal cord injury.
High blood pressure can cause blood vessel in the brain broken in a sudden. The blood will destroy nerve body cells and fibers and lead to paralysis of certain body muscles.

Toxin or poison comes from another part of the body, for example morphine in lungs can flow to brain. So as with lead that damages cell
In front of spinal cord. Brain can also have tumor that presses body cell and muscle fibers.

Sense Disorders
The following are some disorders of human sense.

Eye disorders

Eye disorders occurs when image does not exactly fall on yellow spot.

  1. Myopia occurs if damage falls in front of yellow spot because the eye lens is too curved (convex). The sufferer can be assisted by negative eye glasses (concave lens)
  2. Astigmatism occurs if image is not focused on one point because of the irregular shape cornea. The sufferer can be assisted by cylindrical glasses.
  3. Hypermetropia occurs when the image falls behind the yellow spot because the eye lens is too steep. The sufferer can be assisted by positive glasses (corvex lens).
  4. Presbyopia occurs if the image falls behind the retina because the eye lens is too thin and the eye accommodation is too weak. Presbyopia is usually suffered by elderly person. The sufferer can be assisted by double glasses (positive and negative).
  5. Color blindness occurs if the eyes are not able to distinguish particular color. It is heritable and classified into two types, partial color blindness, when the sufferer cannot recognize certain color, and total color blindness, when the sufferer is only able to recognize black and white.
  6. Night blindness (nyctalopia) is a sight disorder caused by vitamin A deficiency.
  7. Xerophtalmia and keratomalacia are sight disorders due to cornea dryness.
  8. Cataracts is a sight disorder due to the opacities of the lens.

Hearing disorders

  1. Conductive deafness is a hearing disorders due to the condition that restricts the vibration. For example, the blockage of auditory canal, broken ear drum, and the damage in auditory bone.
  2. Nerve deafness is a hearing disorder due to the damage in auditory nerves or organ of corti.

1 Komentar untuk "2013 Eye Disorders And Hearing Disorders"

  1. Dacetuzumab Anti-Human CD40 Therapeutic Antibody (Dacetuzumab) is available from creative biolabs.


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