Excretory system in Animal

Excretory System of Grasshopper

The excretory organ of grasshopper is the Malphigian tubules. The excreted waste contains nitrogen and salt originating from body’s fluid. The waste, then, flows into malphigian tubules by osmosis and active transport. Nitrogenous waste is discharged in the form of uric acid together with feces through anus. Insects also have trachea system that has similar function as lungs in vertebrate.

Excretory System of Earthworm

The Excretory organ of earthworm is a pair of metanephridia which is located in every segment of its body. Metanephridia has an entrance hole whose tip is surrounded by nephrostom. Metanephridia stores waste fluid from body in the front segment. During body fluid filtration, the salt is reabsorbed and transferred into the blood, while nitrogenous waste will be discharged from body through excretory pore (nephridiopore).

Excretory System Of Fish

Excretory organ of fish is kidney that functions to excrete nitrogenous waste and regulate osmotic pressure of body fluid. The excreted waste which contains 90% of ammonia and urea is discharged through anus. Freshwater fish excrete more water than salt water fish. The differences between excretion system of freshwater fish and that of saltwater fish can be seen in figure

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3 Komentar untuk "Excretory system in Animal"

  1. Animals produce toxic waste not used to recycle in the process of metabolism, mainly rely on their excretory system or ADME system.

  2. organic building blocks is a term in organic chemistry, which is used to describe an organic compound with functional groups. Organic building blocks are mainly used for bottom-up modular assembly of metal-organic frameworks, organic molecular constructs, and supra-molecular complexes. Using organic building blocks ensures strict control of what a final compound will be.


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