Examples Of Human Digestive Disorders
Selasa, 07 Mei 2013
3 Komentar
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Great inflammation in stomach that causes gastritis |
Digestive Disorders In human
- Gastritis is an or chronical inflammation on mucosa layer of stomach wall.
- Hepatitis is an inflammation in liver caused by virus infection.
- Diarhea is an irritation on the membrane of colon wall caused by bacteria dysentriae, bad diet, poiosonous matter, and stress.
- Constipation is a disorder due to the excessive water absorption of feces by large intestine that causes difficulty to pass the feces.
- Apendixitus is an inflamation and swelling of blind gut.
- Hemmorrhoid is caused by swollen vein in anus.
- Parotitis is an inflammation of parotid glands caused by infection of Rabula inflans virus.
- Genetic disorder is a disorder of digestive tract inherited from the parents.
- Colic (gastric cancer ) is a disorder caused by excessive food that comes in. The cancer often affects elderly people and signed by the presence of blood in feces.
- Digestive disorder caused by emotional disorder. For examples, mouth become dry, thickened saliva, and the lost of appetite because of scare.
- Dental disease, such as caries, periodontal, Vincent infection, and scrobut. Periodontal is a disease that affects gum and bone supporting gum. Vincent infection is a type of periodontal disease that affects mount and throat.
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Acute Swelling In Anus |
overcome these kinds of disorders in digestive system, people have developed many drugs
and devices. For example
endoscopic procedure to observe
digestive disorder and to make denture by using
endoscope. New development in dental medication is the development of
plastic tooth fillings and implementation of radioactive technique.
The food we consume every day is our
main source of nutrients for our body. Nutrient
is any substance in the food providing energy and material for development,
growth, and reparation of cell in the body.
Source human biology, 2004. Ilksafa.org
Posted by Philipo Revocatus WITH his girl friend Jovitha James, Revocatus is the student teacher at The University of Dodoma pursuing Bachelor of Education in Science (BED Sc). He is interested in biology studies.
Some common disorders of the digestive system include:
1. Constipation
This is the condition whereby one experiences difficulties during defecation since fecal matter becomes semi dry.
Causes of constipation
Some of possible causes of constipation include the following:
i. Extensive absorption of water in the colon.
If the contents of the colon are semi dry and hard as a consequence of this someone experiences difficulties in passing them out. This extensive absorption of water may be due to rhythmic movement of the large intestine being very slow thereby increasing time for the food matter to remain in the colon.
ii. Lack of roughage.
Roughage is the indigestible fibrous part of the Food. Cellulose of vegetables and fruits and connective tissue of meat and fish are example of roughage. Roughage stimulates the secretion of mucus by the goblet cells in the alimentary canal. This mucus lubricates the cell digestive system and the tracks. The lack of mucus leads to roughness of the lining walls hence hardship in defaecation.
iii. Overreliance on the dry foods such as bread. If such food are taken without enough water, constipation results.
iv. Infection
The presence of infection agents such as bacteria or sometimes worms affect the rhythmic movement and may be slow leading to extensive absorption of water hence constipation.
2. Heart burn
This is a condition that results from excessive production of hydrochloric acid. The latter is forced antiperistaltically into oesophagus. It causes corrosive action in the oesophagus makes one feel as if heart is burning.
Over production of hydrochloric acids is caused by eating starch food such as sweet potatoes and related food, also taking cold food.
3. Ulcers
These are sores or broken part of the digestive system.
There are two types of ulcers depending on the region of alimentary canal affected.
i. Peptic ulcers – These are ulcers of stomach walls
ii. Duodenal ulcers – These are ulcers of duodenal walls.
The ulcers are caused by:
• Excess secretion of acid and pepsin by gastric mucosa
• Bacteria called Helicobacter pylori break down the gastro- duodenal mucosal barrier and expose it to digestive enzyme and HCl.
• Smoking also causes ulcers development, smoking increase nervous stimulation of the stomach secretion glands hence excessive HCl acid and pepsin production which erodes the mucosa wall.
• Alcohol also causes ulcers. It breaks down mucosal barrier exposing it to HCl acid
• Drug like aspirin also can cause ulcers due to fact that it breaks down mucosal barrier and expose gastro – intestinal track to corrosive agent.
• Stress contribute to ulcer formation since stress increase HCl acids secretion hence increase the hence of mucosal to be eroded. Thinking also increases the production of hydrochloric acid.
• Also keeping the stomach empty for a long time can cause ulcers because when digestive enzymes are released the immediate contact with the wall of the stomach.
Taylor, D.J, Green, N.P.O & Stout, G.W (2009). Biological science (3rd ed) Cambridge University Press
Mwaniki, J.M & Geoffrey, G.G (2011). Fundamentals of Biology; FII students' Book (2nd Ed). Delah Educational Publishers. Dar es Salaam.
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BalasHapusstomach cancer is one of the severest digestive disorders