Meiosis II Separete Sister Chromatids

Meiosis II

Prophase  II

In prophase  II, there  is no chromosome  duplication (chromosome replication),  like what happens  in meiosis I. In this phase,  there  occurs duplication  in centrioles which produces daughter centrioles with perpendicular position of the parent centrioles are then separated into two centrosomes . Nucleus membrane  disappears, and spindle is formed.

Meiosis  II and its stages.  At  the end  sister  chromatid separate  and produce  4 daughter
cell  (haploid) containing single  chromosome.

Metaphase II
In this phase,  each  daughter cell has  finished  forming spindle. Each Chromosomes arranges  themselves  by lining up  in metaphase  plate, just Like what happens  in mitosis. Each chromatid kinetochore  points to Opposite pole, and spindle  that comes  from each pole attaches  to each Kinetochore.

Anaphase II
In this phase, centromere  in each chromosome is separated  and  two Chromatids from each chromosome  move to opposite  pole. The separated Chromatid now functions  as chromosome  for each daughter  cell.

Telophase II
In this phase, nucleus membrane  is formed and surrounds each set of Chromosomes followed  by cytokinesis. This process produces  4 daughter cells each of which contains  one set of haploid chromosomes  (z).

Meiosis occurs in reproduction organ by producing  haploid  (n) sex cells. Meiosis that produces  sex cells  (gamete)  is called gametogenesis.

source: biology of life

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