Structure And Function Of Cell Organelle Plastid

Plastid is an organelle with 3-6 um in diameter that has double membrane. Some plastids have color pigment and some other do not. The organelle can only be found in plant cell.
Plastid is derived from proplastid development. Proplastid can change into three types, leucoplast, and chromoplast.

Ø Leucoplast
Leucoplast is a type of plastid with white colour or colorless at all. Based on its function, leucoplast is distinguished into three types which are leucoplast, that form and store amylum (amyloplast), lipid (elaioplast), and protein (proteoplast).

Ø Chloroplast
Chloroplast is a type of plastid containing green picment (chlorophyll) that function in absorbing light energy and later converting it into chemical energy. The photosynthesis pigments are located in membrane system, and they scatter on basic materials called stroma.
Chlorophyll can be distinguished into several types, some of which are as follows.
a.      Chlorophyll a presents green-blue color
b.      Chlorophyll b presents green-yellow color
c.       Chlorophyll c presents green-brown color
d.      Chlorophyll d presents green-red color.

 Ø Chromoplast
Chromoplash is a type of plastide that gives various non-photosynthesis color. Pigments included in chromoplast as as follows.

a. Carotenoid gives yellow, orange, red, or brown colors leaves, flowers, and fruits. The pigment can be    differentiated into two types, carotene (orange on carrot) and xantophyll (yellow color on petals).
b.    Phycocyanine gives blue color on algae
c.     Fucoxanthin gives brown color on algae
d.     Phycoeritrine gives red color on algae

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