Summary Of Cell New Science Biologi

Summary Of Cell New Science Biologi

  1. A cell is a unit of structural, functional, growth, and heredity of living organisms.
  2. The general structure of cell consists of cell membrane, protoplasm (cytoplasm and nucleoplasm), and organelle.
  3. Cell that has nucleus membrane is included as eukaryotic cell, while the one that has no nucleus membrane is included as prokaryotic cell.
  4. Organellesin eukaryotic cell, some of which are nucleus to store genetic information, ribosome and endoplasmic reticulum for protein synthesis. Golgi complex to process and distribute protein and fat, vacuole to store food, lysosome for intercellular digest, peroxisome for metabolism, mitochondria for cell respiration, chloroplast for photosintesis, cytoskeleton to give shape, cilia/flagella for cell movement, and cetriole for orientation of cell devision.
  5. Permeability of membrane determines which molecules can pass through it’s called permeable it is able to be passed on all molecules, and impermeable if it is not able to be passed on all molecules, and differential permeable if it is able to be passed on particular molecules.
  6. Molecules movement through passive membrane include diffusion and osmosis, while those trough the active one are active transport, endocytosis, and ectocytosis.
  7. Diffusion ia a process of substance movement from hypertonic solution to hypotonic solution. Osmosis is a diffusion of solved substances from hypotonic solution through semipermeable membrane. Active transport ia a substance transportation from hypotonic to hypertonic solution using energy. Endocytosis is a process to bring in substances through membrane and ectocytosis is process to bring out substances through membrane.

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1 Komentar untuk "Summary Of Cell New Science Biologi"

  1. Get Fibroblast cells And Media from Creative Bioarray. All cell products are isolated from human normal, diseased donors and animals with high purity, low passage, rigorous characterization and performance tested.


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