Plant And Animal Tissue
Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012
1 Komentar
a Stem apical meristem, b lateral meristem, c root apical meristem, and d. intercalary meristem on bamboo |
Plant Tissue
In plant, the process of cell formation and differentiation begins form embryonic tissues called meristem. All plant tissues are devired from meristem.
Structure and Function of plant Tissue
In 1875, Sach divided plant tissue into tree tissue system as follows.
- Dermal tissue system which includes epidermis and peridrem tissue. The function ia as the outer protection layer of plant.
- Ground tissue system, which includes parenchyma, collenchymas, and sclerenchyma. The function is to form the base of plant body.
- Vascular tissue system, which includes xylem and phloem. The function is to conduct water and nutrition in plant.
Plant tissue is composed of meristem, epidermis, cortex (parenchyma, colenchyma, and scelenchyma), vascular bundle (xylem and phloem), pith and pith rays.
more info : Biology. The unity and Diversity of Life, 2004 wold plan
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