Types Of Connective Tissue

Connective tissue can be grouped based on the structure and function.

Proper Connective Tissue Proper Connective tissue includes loose connective tissue, fibrosa connective tissue, yellow elastic tissue, and fatty connective tissue.

1. Loose Connective tissue Loose connective tissue consist of matrix (mucose) containing collagen fibers and elastic protein fibers. The tissues surrounding blood vessel, nerves, organs, and beneath the skin.

The function of loose connective tissue are as follows.

a. Cover the blood vessel
b. Attach the organ on wall muscle body.
c. Give shape on the organ.
d. Attach the skin to the underlying tissue.
e. Form boundary membrane between heart and abdomen.

2. Fibrous Connective Tissue (Fibrous)

Fibrous tissue consists of matrix containing collagen, a flexible but inelastic fiber. Fibrous can be found on muscle tendon, ligament, and simphysis pubis. Some of the functions are for support and protection, connection between muscle and bone, connecting between bones.

3. Yellow Elastic Tissue
Yellow elatic tissue consists of matrix containing yellow elastic fibers. The fibers branch to from network. Yellow elastic tissue can be found on artery wall and ligament. The functions are for support and protective.

4. Fatty Connective Tissue (Adipose)

Adipose contains a large amount of round-shaped (polygonal) and thin-wall fatty cell. The tissue can be found in bone marrow, epidermal of skin, and around kidney. It functions as food storage, mechanical cushion, and protection from high temperature.

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