Structure And Function Of Meristematic Tissue

Marestematic Tissue

Maristematic tissue is composed of actively dividing cells. It is located on the growth point in stem tip. Cambium of dicotyledon, and root tip.

Types of Meristematic Tissue

Based on the location
Meristematic tissue can be distinguished into apical, intercalary, and lateral meristems. Apical meristem is located on the tip of rood and stem. Intercalary meristem is located between mature tissues, e.g at the base of nodes in grass stem. Lateral meristem can be found growing laterally with the organ where the tissue is located, e.g. vascular cambium and cork cambium (phelogen).  

The development of stem tip into primary meristem

Based on the origin
Maristematic tissue can be distinguished into primary and secondary meristems. Primary meristem develops directly from embryonic cells, while secondary meristem develops from differentiated tissues (e.g cambium).
Basically, there are three types of primary meristem as follows.

  1. Protoderm, which is the outer layer of developing tissues (derived from apical meristem)
  2. Ground meristem, Which is meristem which form ground tissues.
  3. Procambium, which is meristem which form vascular tissues.

Cell  Characteristics of Meristematic Tissue

Cell the compose meristematis tissue have several acharacteristics as follows.
  1. Their cell wall is very thin, except on vascular cambium cell wall which is very thick in particular circumstances.
  2. They consist of a lot of protoplasms which generally do not have food storage and crystal, except on phelogen. Moreover, inside the protoplasm, there are plastid in the form of proplastids.
  3. Most of apical meristems have small vacuole, only some have larger vacuole (e.g invascular cambium).
source: Biology. The Unity and Diversity of life, 2004

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2 Komentar untuk "Structure And Function Of Meristematic Tissue"

  1. I was wondering, if the tissue can be cultivated in the way of 3D cell culture? If it's possible, it will be great for the further studies.

  2. bromine series is a chemical element with the symbol Br and an atomic number 35. It is a fuming red-brown liquid at room temperature. Organic bromine compounds are easily dissociated to generate free bromine atoms at high temperatures, which is a process that blocks the free radical chemical chain reactions. This effect makes the organic bromine compounds useful as flame retardants, with more than half of the bromines produced annually in the world are used for this purpose. Bromine compounds are also used in photographic films, and as intermediates in the manufacture of organic chemicals.


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