Glandular Epithelium and Muscle Tissue

Glandular Epithelium and Muscle Tissue

Glandular ephithelium is composed of specialized cell secreting certain substances(serous). The secreted molecule is usually stored in cell, precisely in the secretion vacuole.
The cells of glandular ephithelium secrete protein (pancreas), fat (kidney and hair oil gland), or carbohydrate complex and protein (saliva gland).

Muscle Tissue
Muscle Tissue is composed of cell that have an ability to contract inorder to produce movement of the body part. I contains contractile protein which is responsible for the muscle’s contractile ability which is called myofibrils. Myofibril consist of actin and myosin. The cell is surrounded by a layer called sarcolemma.

Muscle tissue can be devided into three types, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle (stiated), and cardiac muscle.\

Muscle Tissue

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